The type of user permission you have determines the actions you can take in The MLC Portal. The three different types of user permissions are outlined below.
Super Users can add other user, manage permissions, and edit Member information. They also have full visibility and edit access into catalog management, as well as reporting functionality.
Finance Users can manage tax and banking information for a Member and have access to reporting functionality. They may suggest matching in the Matching Tool and access Match History, but cannot view, edit or create works via the Registration Tool.
Copyright Users can manage the catalog by viewing, editing and creating works and view Members. They cannot see User Permissions.
If you are not a Super user and want to add a Member, you will need to go through the identification verification process first. To do this, follow these directions:
1. Click on the blue circle in the top right-hand corner with your initials and select Profile.
2. Under the “Account Info” section, click Get Verified. This will run a verification check to verify your information.
3. Once verified, you will be able to add Members.
How to Manage Users
If you are a Super User you can add or remove users by following the steps below.
1. Open The MLC Portal
2. On the left-hand side navigation menu, scroll down to the 'Member Settings' section.
3. Click 'User Permissions'
Click on an option below for further steps.