What is an overclaim and how do I resolve one using the Overclaims Tool?

An overclaim occurs when multiple claimants are claiming shares totaling over 100% on a musical work.

The MLC provides information related to a work in overclaim via the Overclaims Tool in The MLC Portal; however, it is the responsibility of those claiming shares on the work to resolve the overclaim.

Please note: A work can only go into overclaim if shares are added to the work within 90 days of the work’s registration, based on the “Creation Date” in the work details.

If you are attempting to claim shares over 100% on a work that was created more than 90 days prior, you will need to reach out to The MLC Support team here.

Once a work goes into an overclaim status, there are three options you may choose to move towards a resolution.

Option 1 – Emailing all claimants involved on the work

When a work goes into overclaim, an email is automatically sent to all the Copyright contact types (or, if no Copyright contact type is provided, the Copyright users or Super users) associated with the Members claiming shares on the work.

This automated email will be sent from: publisherservices@themlc.com and will have the subject line: "Overclaim on your work [WORK TITLE] (Overclaim ID#[XXX])"

Reply All

You may reply all to that automated email to collaborate with the other claimants claiming shares on the work to resolve the overclaim.

Send Another Email

If you choose, you may also send an email to all claimants claiming shares on the work via The MLC Portal. To do so:

  1. Navigate to the Overclaims Tool located under Works Registration from the left-side menu.
  2. Locate the relevant work and click on it.
  3. Then, once on the Overclaim Detail page, scroll to the bottom and click the blue Email button under Email All Claimants.

A pop-up will appear showing an auto-filled email template with the relevant work information addressed to claimants claiming shares on the work. There will be an optional editable note section if you want to provide additional information. Click the blue Send button to send the email.


Option 2 – Amending or relinquishing your shares on the work

If the shares you are currently claiming need to be changed, you may choose to amend your current share percentage.

Amend Your Shares

To amend the current percentage you are claiming on the work:

  1. Navigate to the Catalog section in The MLC Portal and search for the work.
  2. Once you have found your work, click on it to open the work details page.
  3. In the upper right corner of the work details page, click the blue Edit button, then click the Edit button on the confirmation pop-up to continue.
  4. On the next page, scroll to the Publishers section and click the white Edit.
  5. On the Add Publishers page, do not take any action but scroll down and click the blue Next.
  6. On the Add Shares page, you can edit your share percentage. Then click the blue Next.
  7. On the Link Writers & Publishers page, do not take any action but click the blue Next.
  8. You will be back on the work details page where the updated share percentage will show in the Publishers section. Click the blue Submit.
  9. Your updated share percentage will be reflected in your catalog within 1-3 weeks.

Relinquish Your Shares

To relinquish all shares you are currently claiming on the work, please reach out to The MLC’s Support Team here.

Option 3 – Substantiate your claim

After reviewing the initial automated email alerting all involved claimants to an overclaim, you may choose to provide substantiative documentation maintaining your claim.

To do so, please reply all to the email with your documentation attached. From there, The MLC Publisher Services Team will follow-up with additional information.