What is the "title type"?

When adding an alternative title during the works registration process, you must select a Title Type.


Definitions of Title Types are:

First line of text: The beginning of a text.

Formal Title: A standardized title in which the elements are arranged in a pre-determined order. Normally created for classical works.

Incorrect Title: A false or unacceptable title sometimes mistakenly used for identification.

Original Title: A title given to the work by its creator(s) shown in its original language.

Original Title Translated: An original title translated into a different language.

Part Title: A section of a work which is not recognized as an excerpt in its own right and does not have its own ISWC.

Restricted Title: A title from which all initial articles and punctuation have been removed.

Extra Search Title: An alternative title created to aid database searching (e.g. where special characters, puns, or slang have been replaced by standardized elements).

Original Title with National Characters: The original title of the work in its original language, using accented national characters.

Alternative Title with National Characters: An alternative work title in its original language, using accented national characters. 

Alternative title: An alternative to an original title.